Family Fun and Country Kicks at the Erin Horse Day in May at the Erin Fairgrounds
Saturday, May 27th
Phone: 519-216-4562
Email: info@equineerin.com
Website: www.horsedayerin.com
Pet a Pony. Meet a Unicorn. Laugh out loud! Learn, play, shop. Go home happy!
Come out to Erin on Saturday, May 27th, 2023 for a little magic!
Special Attractions
1pm: Feature Show - Ontario Mounted Unit
Dog Agility and Frisbee Show
Horse vs Dog Race
4pm: All breeds horse & Unicorn parade (great prizes)
All Day
WOR Pony Club Prince Philip Games
Basics on Cowboy Obstacles
Clinician: Karen Dallimore EXCAJudge
Food trucks/vendors/live music
Equestrian KidZone and Pony Rides
For more information, contact: equineerin@gmail.com, 519-216-4562
Tickets: ticketscene.ca $5/child, $10/adult, $25 any 4