CQHA can assist it's members with both global and domestic marketing initiatives.
Calgary, AB -- August 16, 2019 -- Included in the mandate of the Canadian Quarter Horse Association (CQHA) is that the orgranization shall assist it's members with both global and domestic marketing initiatives, such as the sales held within Canada of registered American Quarter Horses. It is also a part of the CQHA's mandate to be a communications vehicle for and with our CQHA membership.
Therefore, a new FREE service is being offered to distribute CQHA E-Newsletters to our members which advertise upcoming public Quarter Horse auction sales, either on-farm, or held at a livestock auction venue. CQHA members, AQHA Affiliate and/or other like-minded, association-hosted, public auction sales will be eligible for this service. This does NOT apply to the private transactional sellling of individual Quarter Horses.
CQHA Members are invited to submit their horse sale posters (e.g. a full colour PDF or JPG files at high resolution), along with any pertinent sale information such as a hyperlink to the related website(s). Be sure to include if the sale features online auction viewing and/or online bidding.
CQHA reserves the right to reject any submitted content that it deems inappropriate to serve the purpose of promoting and marketing the sale of Canadian-bred and/or Canadian-owned registered American Quarter Horses.
Submit your sale content and information by email to Marnie Somers attaching the appropriate content/files to: membership-media@cqha.ca (at least three weeks prior to the sale). Note: Design services are not included - sale organizers must submit "camera ready" content suitable for publishing on the Internet.
CQHA looks forward to serving our membership on both ends of this new marketing service by communicating information from sale consignors to potential buyers. Support your Canadian Quarter Horse industry's breeders and owners - Buy Canadian!
Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash