Equestrian Canada Rules Have Been Amended
Please be advised that the following sections of the Equestrian Canada (EC) Rules have been amended through the Extraordinary Rule Amendment (ERA) process, effective immediately: Section A: General Regulations Section E: Dressage and Para-Dressage Section L: Vaulting Noteworthy updates and changes are outlined below.
Prize list and entry form requirements have been amended to align with Article A519 Vaccinations. Amendments to Article A602 Prize Lists – Mandatory Information clarify that all horses attending EC sanctioned competitions must comply with vaccination requirements under A519. Amendments to Article A802 Entry Forms clarify that on an entry form, the person(s) responsible must declare that every horse listed on that entry form has met the vaccination requirements under A519.
View the complete rule book, Section A: General Regulations
After receiving feedback from EC Sport Licence Holders, the EC Dressage Committee recommended a clarification to the proposed rules that competitors would not be permitted to qualify for, nor compete at championship competitions with a Temporary Sport Licence or a Single Event Sport Licence Upgrade.
Articles E 7.1 and E 7.25 of the final edition 2020 EC rules have been updated to reflect this.
View the complete rule book, Section E: Dressage and Para-Dressage
Following publication of the 2020 FEI Vaulting Rules, Article L503 Freestyle and Article L504 Technical Test have been amended to reflect the time limit for both Individual Freestyle and Individual Technical Tests returning to 1.0 minutes.
View the complete rule book, Section L: Vaulting
For more information on the EC Rules, visit www.equestrian.ca/programs-services/rules.
Questions, Comments?
For questions or comments regarding the EC Rules, please contact:
Lindsey Blakely
Coordinator, Technical Programs - Officials and Rules
lblakely@equestrian.ca 1-866-282-8395 x 111