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Displaying posts in Dressage

Have You Heard About Working Equitation?

Have You Heard About Working Equitation?

Posted in English riding, western riding, trail riding, Dressage

There’s a new equine sport starting to appear in Canada.  And you know what it’s a ton of FUN! Working equitation is a great way for equine enthusiasts to learn something new, improve their horses way of going building correct muscling, increasing obedience, courage, trust and confidence in their equine partner!

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Caledon Equestrian School 40 years of Horse Love

Caledon Equestrian School 40 years of Horse Love

Posted in horse-shows-clinics, Dressage

40 years ago this summer, Susan Fripp moved to a farm in Caledon East to start her dream of creating a riding school for everyone from all walks of life. Susan was in the middle of the Equine Studies program at Humber College and she figured she knew just about everything about horses. Farm life quickly fixed that illusion and she has been learning and sharing her life long education about horses ever since that summer.

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Canadian Dressage Team Takes Silver  at 2018 CDIO 3* Wellington Nations Cup

Canadian Dressage Team Takes Silver at 2018 CDIO 3* Wellington Nations Cup

Posted in Equestrian Canada, Dressage

The annual Nations Cup provides Canadian dressage athletes with the rare opportunity to compete as a team. As per the AGDF nations cup rules, teams consist of three or four riders, and can contain a mix of big and small tour horse-rider combinations, with a bonus of 1.5% added to big tour scores. 

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  • Horses are all natural, where possible use all natural fibres when putting a blanket on, or even your saddle pad.
    ~Crochet Do Dads

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